Simplicity is the law of nature for man, as well as flowers. Orchardist’s son turned snowboarder, turned lobster fisherman, turned waiter, turned actor – enter the Unlikely Florist. Flowers may well be the most positive entities that exist. Huge statement, I know, but really. They are one of the seven zen arts and in the short time I've been arranging and selling flowers I'm yet to meet an unhappy customer. Everyone comes to me with positive intentions: to say thank you, congratulations, I'm sorry, forgive me...and it works.

Untho's Fiores, as it was called in the beginning, was born out of a creative power I'd never experienced before. Put together a rather unfulfilled creative mind, a need for some cash, a VW van and the commitment to explore a new medium and there you have it: Untho's Fiores and the Unlikely Florist. Creative power is, to me, a buzzy concept. I think I was subliminally introduced to it as a child by my mother, a mixed media artist with a fine art background who treated our home as if it were a canvas, literally. Half the house is turquoise, the other half a sunflower yellow. We had Hockneyesque squiggles on the bottom of our swimming pool and curvy organic walls painted a burnt red and deep purple.

All of this translates well in one’s home as well. You can ask any of my clients and they will honestly tell you that even after a week or two the flowers are still doing their thing. I'm the unlikely florist with the unusual flowers and a self-proclaimed uncanny ability to sell out. So don't be late. We’re located outside Gjelina every Saturday morning at 10. Love, Spenny Mother Fuckin' Flowers