Slam Jam

Slam Jam

Following the show, the girls took a trip over to the Slam Jam Headquarters to see what was up in Ferrara. If you don't know Slam Jam is one of the more iconic distributors in the world in terms of their history in profile, representing fashion brands like Nike, Carrhart, Stussy, Visvim, OACM, and other greats. Oh, and now us. Thus the reason for the visit, a little training session from Elena on quality control standards.

Just like this photo, so I decided to throw it in.

Slam Jam has an incredible store in Ferrara that acts as a showroom for their brands.

Featuring everything from shoes to apparel to art…as you can see.

Amazing photography from legendary Los Angeles photographer Shawn Mortensen featured above. Click on his name to learn more about the artist.

Clean lines.

Here's the proof.

It should be noted that Nike has zero distributors to my knowledge in the world, except for Slam Jam in Italy.

Now thats a conference table!! One day hopefully.

Elena and Lynn described the Slam Jam logistics department as the cleanest stock and shipping area they have ever seen in their lives.

Special thanks to the Slam Jam team for hosting Lynn and Elena. I am speaking on their behalf, but I know they really loved and appreciated seeing the HQ. From the photos it looks like a magical police in the middle of Italy. I'm looking forward to coming this summer and checking it all out.

Seems like a major benefit to representing such great brands over the last 30 years is you get a bunch of incredible art. I am definitely jealous.