Hayes 1 Year Recap

Hayes 1 Year Recap

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday GLCO Hayes, Happy birthday to you! From all of us at the home office, congrats to our Hayes Valley fam on their 1 year anniversary. To celebrate we hosted our neighbors, customers and friends at the store to enjoy the classic combo of wine, beer and tacos. Thank you to Matt and Spencer of the Allah-Las for DJ’ing, Scribe Winery for the vino, El Tonayense for the grub and to Stanton, Drew, Carina, Justin and Jonathan for holding down the fort. Give these snaps a scroll and try not to catch the FOMO if you left town for Labor Day weekend or went to go see Tame Impala. Cause there ain't no party like a GLCO party!

Peace out from SF! I'm sure we'll be seeing you soon.