We asked NOAH JASHINSKI to shoot one of his favorite day trips in L.A. He and NATALIE TOREN took Michaela Zapell and two medium format cameras with three kinds of film* and headed to the GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY. This is what he had to say about the day: “Living in L.A., you can sometimes forget how massive it is. We fall into patterns and our lives exist in a two-mile radius. Looking down on the city, from Hollywood to downtown to the ocean, reminded me of how small I am and how we are all just tiny pieces of everything going on around us. Being at the observatory and looking around made me remember how much of iconic Hollywood has remained the same. The images of the 1930s are the same images that draw people to the city to this day to pursue ‘The Dream’.”

*For the Camera Nerds: Cameras - a Hasselblad 500CM and Mamiya 645 PRO TL. Film - Kodak Tri-X 400, Rollei Retro 80s, and Rollei RPX 400.